Thursday, 31 March 2016

Audience Research

Q1) Do you know any indie rock/pop rock music artists?

Female - Many did not know of any indie rock/pop rock music artists and were slightly confused when asked this question, however, when names such as Vance Joy and Two Door Cinema Club were mentioned, most caught on with the genre and then explained that yes, they did know of these artists.
Male - These answered in much of the same way as females did when asked if they knew of any of these artists. The only difference is some named a few artists that were in that specific genre, however, until I clarified that they were of that genre, they did not know what genre they fitted into.
Adult - Surprisingly, the adult age group knew more about some of these artists than the younger generation did. They named many artists quickly and, when asked why they knew so many artists, they stated that when they heard the word 'rock' they instantly thought back to the 70s, when rock music was popular.

Q2) Do you have a particular favourite song in the indie rock/pop rock genre?

Female - Due to the fact that the females I interviewed did not know of any artists in this genre, it was very difficult for them to pinpoint a favourite song, and, in the end, ended up stating that because of their limited knowledge on this genre, they did not have a favourite song.
Male - Much like the answer to the above question, the males were very hesitant when it came to stating their favourite song, much like they were when asked if they knew of any artists. Both males ended up stating that they both preferred songs by Two Door Cinema Club, however could not say that they had a favourite song by them. I made note of the fact that the songs/artists that the males stated were more modern and up to date songs and artists, in contrast to what the adults said, which I will explain below.
Adult - Again, the adult age group quickly named some of their favourite songs in this genre, and, surprisingly, one actually named Jet's 'Are You Gonna Be My Girl' (the song I am creating my music video to). What I noticed about the adult's answers were the fact that they named more aged songs, unlike the males who named more modern songs.

Q3) Can you give me your opinion on the likes of The White Stripes, Vance Joy, The Lumineers etc?

Female - As stated before, the females knew of artists like Vance Joy, Two Door Cinema Club and The Lumineers, due to the fact that they are more up to date and modern, so they therefore said that they enjoyed listening to them, however not very often.
Male - As the males knew slightly more than the females, they did instantly say that, again, they liked Vance Joy and The Lumineers due to the fact that they are modern. I was surprised that one male said that he actually preferred The White Stripes to the likes of Two Door Cinema Club, Vance Joy etc. When asked why, he said that it was purely because he has grown up in a house where both himself and his parents listen to this sort of music quite often.
Adult - Un surprisingly, the adults answered in complete opposite to the males and females, stating that, because they are particularly modern, they did not really know Vance Joy and The Lumineers etc, saying that they preferred the likes of The White Stripes and Jet, due to the fact that they have listened to those artists for years and continue listening to them today.

Q4) Do you personally enjoy listening to this genre? Explain why/why not.

Female - Both females I spoke to stated that, as they didn't really listen to this genre much, they couldn't say if they liked or disliked it. The only thing they could say was that they liked the minimal songs that they listen to in this genre, but could not make a judgment based on that.
Male - Much like the girls, one male stated that, as he did not know much about the genre or many artists for example, he couldn't really state if he liked or disliked this genre. However, the male  that said in the above question that he did in fact like the genre, but preferred the older songs - this is because, as stated before, he has grown up listening to that sort of vintage indie rock music.
Adult - Both adults that I asked this question to agreed that they really did enjoy listening to this type of music, and stated that, although they preferred the older songs from this genre, they did also like some of the more modern songs.

Q5) Do you know anyone who likes listening to this genre of music?

Female - One of the females I spoke to, after I explained to her earlier what sort of artists and songs were involved in the indie rock/pop rock genre, stated that she knew a lot of her friends (mainly female) really did like this genre of music, and said that they listen to it most days.
Male - The males answered without hesitation to this question. They said that pretty much all of their male friends listen to this sort of music, as well as the fact they got to listen to this genre every now and again due to their friends listening to it.
Adult - Differentiating to the male and female answers, the adults answered this question saying that the only people they knew that listened to this style of music were close friends and family members like brothers and sisters. When asked why their family members also listened to this genre, they stated that, much like one of the males in the past question, it is the sort of music they have grown up with.

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