Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Todorv - Narrative Structure - Narrative Essay

Narrative Structure

Tzvetan Todorv created a way of explaining the narrative structure of a music video through 5 stages:

Stage 1: A point of stable equilibrium, where everything is satisfied, calm and normal.
Stage 2: This stability is then disrupted by some kind of force, which creates a state of disequilibrium.
Stage 3: Recognition that a disruption has taken place.
Stage 4: It is only possible to re-create equilibrium through action directed against the disruption.
Stage 5: Restoration of a new state of equilibrium. The consequences of the reaction is to change the world of the narrative and/or the characters so that the final state of equilibrium is not the same as the initial state.

  • In short as O'Sullivan et al suggest, narratives has a common structure, starting with the establishment of plot or theme. 
  • This is then followed by the development of the problem. an enigma (Roland Barthes), an increase in tention.
  • Finally comes the resolution of the plot. 
  • Such narratives can be unambiguous and linear.

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