Friday, 6 November 2015

Stuart Hall - Reception Theory (Audience Essay)

Stuart Hall
Reception Theory

The reception theory states that media texts ar encoded by the producer meaning that whoever produces the text fills the product with values and messages. The text  is then decoded by spectators. Different spectators will decode the text in different ways, however, these ways are not always in the way the producer intended. 

  • The dominant reading of a text is that the audience view the media text in the way the producer intended.
  • The audience agree with the ideology and message behind the text.
  • The audience will view the message in the way the producer wanted them to.
  • The ideal consumption has been met and therefore the institution is happy. 
How may an audience have a dominant understanding of a specific media text?
  • Clear messages
  • Audience is the same age so it relates to the product
  • From the same culture
  • Easy to understand narrative and they can relate to the narrative in some way
  • Relevant to society
  • Audience are choosing to consume the product so must have a reason to like it in the first place

  • This is a compromise between the dominant and oppositional readings.
  • The audience accepts the views of the producer but also has their own input and understanding of the text.
  • They do not agree or disagree, they however can see the point being made in relation to the reading yet still have their own opinion.
  • For example, they understand what the institution want the message to be and how they are supposed to consume the text, however they do not fully conform with the message.
How may an audience have a negotiated understanding of a specific media text?
  • The audience may not have had the same life experiences
  • May not understand the narrative in relation so therefore cannot relate to it in the intended way
  • Do not understand all of the messages making it unclear what the dominant reading is supposed to be

  • The audience rejects the preferred reading of the text and created their own.
  • The audience reject the meaning fully as they do not agree with the message created for the audience.
  • The audience reject the message fully and interoperate the text in the wrong way.
  • They may be upset, offended and fail to see the intended message from the institution.
How many an audience have an oppositional understanding of a specific media text?
  • The product has controversial themes
  • Disagree with the messages in the video
  • Dislike the genre
  • No understanding/ cannot relate to the narrative structure
  • Is not reflective of society
  • Different cultures have different understandings

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